It is all about doing things. Assessing the higher risk of intracranial aneurysm rupture

It is possible to, in any capacity, assess the higher risk of intracranial aneurysm before it causes a life-threatening condition? How does modern medicine deal with a condition that serious and largely asymptomatic?

Follow Justyna Fercho, M.D., an ambitious young researcher, clinician and doctoral student, who, amongst her vast spectrum of activities, is currently working on the method which could assess the probability of someone having aneurysm. It could be then secured by, among others, Digital Subtraction Angiography (DSA) and treated before it ruptures.

The research is conducted in close cooperation with the Gdańsk University of Technology and as such will rely on machine learning and neural networks.

No such method such as this has yet been introduced. Since 80% of intracranial aneurysms are detected when they rupture, i.e. when intracranial haemorrhage occurs, Dr. Fercho’s research could indeed lead to a real breakthrough.

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Justyna Fercho, M.D.

Postgraduate researcher at the Department of Neurosurgery & 2nd year doctoral student at the First MUG Doctoral School, Medical University of Gdańsk

An ambitious doctoral researcher, medical doctor, lung and heart transplant coordinator involved in a vast spectrum of scientific activities. One of her major projects, coordinated in cooperation with the Gdańsk University of Technology, is focused on assessing the higher risk of intracranial aneurysm before rupture by the means of neural networks and machine learning.

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